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Creche Information
Our Goal
Our goal is to provide a safe, loving and happy place for children where they can play whilst you train. Our crèche service is available to all members of the Vibrant community.
Parents must remain within the facility whilst your child/ren are in the crèche. Please be advised our crèche is not a licensed child care service however all our staff have Working with Children Checks and First Aid accreditation.
Bookings are essential to ensure availability. You can book up to a week in advance. Cancellations are essential and must be made by 8.00 am. Cancellations made later than 8.00 am must pay the minimum fee of a regular visit. No shows will also be charged the minimum fee as per cancellations.
Peak Periods
Whilst we don’t restrict the amount of time your child/ren may be in creche we do foresee that your child/ren won’t be left in the creche for extended periods to allow other users to enjoy the benefits of the creche. We acknowledge that with classes that your children will be dropped off prior to the class commencement and would appreciate their collection at the completion of your class.
First Visit
First visitors to the crèche are required to complete a Creche Registration Form prior to leaving your child/ren. These forms are available from crèche staff and assist us to provide the best possible care for your children. All information obtained is kept strictly confidential. If you have any concerns about your child becoming distressed when you leave, please let us know as we may be able to suggest ways to assist your child to adjust to the new environment.
On Arrival
Payment should be made at reception for all casual attendances. Multiple visit passes can also be purchased at reception for your convenience. Children must be signed in on the attendance Register and signed out on your departure. Children can only be collected by the parent who signs
them in, unless a prior arrangement has been made with staff.
What to bring
All children under the age of 12 months or who are not walking must be brought in a pram/stroller. This is a part of our emergency evacuation procedures. All items should be marked with the child’s name. Nappy bags with all necessary items ie: nappies, wipes, disposable bags, bottles (already made up), pacifiers, etc need to be marked also. Where children require a nappy change we will advise the parent and request they attend creche and then return to their workout. Please ensure your child has a clean, dry nappy before leaving him/her in the crèche. Food is not permitted in the creche so please ensure your child has eaten and has a drink(water) with them. Whilst the creche team will not over discipline your child, unacceptable behavior will be brought to your attention. Should there be ongoing issues the facility has the right to request you seek alternative arrangements.
To protect your child, other children, and staff, please keep your child at home if they display any symptoms of illness. For example:
• High temperature
• Diarrhoea or vomiting in the last 24 hours
• Conjunctivitis
• Rashes
• Severe Cold or Flu
• Continual discoloured runny nose.
If your child has suffered from a communicable disease, a doctor’s clearance is required before they can return to the crèche.
Should your child become distressed while in the crèche all attempts will be made to settle him/her however, you may be requested to attend to your child should the need arise.
In the event of an emergency, staff will evacuate children from the dangerous area. Once all children are accounted for and in a safe location, parents may then collect their child/ren.